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Billede af Operators Nano Electronic Coffee Grinder by Fiorenzato

Operators Nano Electronic Coffee Grinder by Fiorenzato

With our compact and very quiet grinder you can easily dial in solid doses of single shots or double shots of your favorite espresso coffee. It's the perfect companion to one of our single group espresso machines that lets you extract the full power of your coffee beans.
Billede af Izzo Valexia PID Plus Inox

Izzo Valexia PID Plus Inox

The Izzo Valexia PID Plus Inox Single Boiler Rotary Pump Espresso Coffee Machine is a small power house that will let you brew professional quality espresso coffee at home or in the office. Available exclusively at Operators Coffee Club.
Billede af Izzo Valexia Duetto II Inox

Izzo Valexia Duetto II Inox

The Izzo Valexia Duetto II Inox Dual Boiler Domestic Espresso Coffee Machine will let you brew professional quality espresso coffee at home or in the office. We just love the unconventional design with sloping sides of this all new beautiful creation by Izzo Group from Italy, available exclusively at Operators Coffee Club.
Billede af Izzo Valexia Leva Inox

Izzo Valexia Leva Inox

The iconic Izzo Valexia Leva Inox employs a traditional La San Marco spring lever to deliver outstanding espresso-pull after pull . This machine is very stealthy, since there are no pumps making any noise during the manually operated extraction. Available exclusively at Operators Coffee Club.
Billede af Operators Espresso Machines, by La Cimbali

Operators Espresso Machines, by La Cimbali

Operators Espresso machine by La Cimbali provides elegance, reliability, and high performance. We believe La Cimbali represents the finest tradition of Italian espresso coffee making and offer their high end espresso machines to coffee loving Operators who are searching for a fully manually operated traditional espresso machine that is second to none.
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Billede af Operators Nitro Cold Brew One Tap

Operators Nitro Cold Brew One Tap

By using the Operators Nitro Cold Brew One Tap you can easily pour a chilled “Draught Coffee” during the hot summertime. Nitro Cold Brew Coffee is nature’s own energy drink that will give you a boost of energy before and after your WOD, swim, run or bike ride.
Billede af Operators Nitro Cold Brew Two Tap

Operators Nitro Cold Brew Two Tap

The Operators Nitro Cold Brew Two Tap is the only Two-Tap Nitro Coffee Dispenser of its kind in the world! It lets you choose between a chilled “Draught Coffee” infused with Nitro or a Fresh & Flat Cold Brew Coffee– both are the perfect drinks to enjoy on a hot summer’s day.
Billede af Operators Koldbrygnings System fra Cold Brew Avenue USA

Operators Koldbrygnings System fra Cold Brew Avenue USA

Højkvalitets cold brew kaffe- og tesystemer i rustfrit stål til brygning af store mængder og kommerciel brug. Cold Brew Avenue USA har designet deres store batch koldbryggesystemer specifikt til caféer, restauranter, natklubber og barer der er på udkig efter en renere, nemmere og bedre måde at brygge store partier koldbrygget kaffe og te på. Vores system har en beholder i rustfrit stål og en specialtilpasset koldbrygnings filterplade i rustfrit stål til brygning af alt fra 20,8-189,3 liter klar til at drikke cold brew eller koldbrygget kaffe/te-koncentrat!
Billede af Gavekort til din allerbedste ven

Gavekort til din allerbedste ven

Den perfekte gave til en rigtig god ven der er kaffeelsker. Du kan også bruge gavekortet som en nem måde at sikre adgang til "forudbetalt kaffe" for dine teamkolleger i din enhed eller dine gode kolleger på arbejdspladsen og alle i din familie.

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