Jumping out of perfectly well-functioning airplanes has for many decades been a favorite discipline for many Operators. After successfully completing the Military Free Fall course you receive your coveted freefall badge also known as “Wings”.
Jumping out of perfectly well-functioning airplanes has for many decades been a favorite discipline for many Operators. After successfully completing the Military Free Fall course you receive your coveted freefall badge also known as “Wings”.
Jumping out of perfectly well-functioning airplanes has for many decades been a favorite discipline for many Operators. After successfully completing the Military Free Fall course you receive your coveted freefall badge also known as “Wings”.
Getting the most challenging jobs done always requires initiative, good leadership, and high-level skills. Being on point leading your team of Operators who all rely on you to find a path through unknown terrain or to get them out of a FUBAR situation, requires a huge amount of confidence and the ability to stay on a constant and high alertness.
Getting the most challenging jobs done always requires initiative, good leadership, and high-level skills. Being on point leading your team of Operators who all rely on you to find a path through unknown terrain or to get them out of a FUBAR situation, requires a huge amount of confidence and the ability to stay on a constant and high alertness.