Make Your Bed - Bundle Offer

This bundle offer will provide you with both the New York Times No. 1 bestselling book "Make Your Bed" by Admiral William H. McRaven (US Navy Retired) and the newly released "Make Your Bed - A Daily Diary" also by Navy SEAL William H. McRaven.
Manufacturer: Operators Book Club
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This bundle offer contains the two "twin" books by Navy SEAL Admiral William H. McRaven. You will receive Make Your Bed and Make Your Bed - A Daily Diary! Choose between the English and Danish version.

On May 21 2014 Admiral William H. McRaven (ret) gave the commencement speech for the graduating class at the University of Texas at Austin. This speech went viral on SoMe, probably because the content of his speech and his 10 life lessons resonates with Operators all over the world. His 10 simple lessons deals with how to overcome Navy SEAL Training, but they are equaly important in dealing with the challenges of life - no matter who you are.

Making your bed is a simple act with powerful consequences. To rise in the morning and complete the first task of the day will give you motivation to do more; to accomplish more. The bed also represents you. Few things in your home are more personal. Making your bed is a reflection of your discipline, your pride and your personal habits. If you can't get up in the morning and make your bed, what else are you incapable of doing? If you want to change the world, or just make yourself a little better, start off by making your bed. MAKE YOUR BED is an attractively packaged gift book, perfect for Commencement, Father's Day and the business and military audience, based on a speech the Admiral gave at University of Texas graduation, which went viral to the tune of almost 25 million views. The speech itself focuses on the ten lessons Admiral McRaven learned from Navy Seal training that will help readers face and overcome challenges in their lives and ultimately change the world. Lessons include "find someone to help you paddle," "don't back down from sharks," "start singing when you're up to your neck in muck," and of course, "make your bed."
Building from McRaven's powerful speech, this book will inspire readers to achieve more with thoughtful determination, hard work and the spirit of service.

We have published Make Your Bed in a Danish Edition, as hardcopy, e-book and audiobook on our imprint Operators Book Club.

"Excellence in life - requires excellent coffee breaks!"

This bundle offer contains the two "twin" books by Navy SEAL Admiral William H. McRaven. You will receive Make Your Bed and Make Your Bed - A Daily Diary! Choose between the English and Danish version.

On May 21 2014 Admiral William H. McRaven (ret) gave the commencement speech for the graduating class at the University of Texas at Austin. This speech went viral on SoMe, probably because the content of his speech and his 10 life lessons resonates with Operators all over the world. His 10 simple lessons deals with how to overcome Navy SEAL Training, but they are equaly important in dealing with the challenges of life - no matter who you are.

Making your bed is a simple act with powerful consequences. To rise in the morning and complete the first task of the day will give you motivation to do more; to accomplish more. The bed also represents you. Few things in your home are more personal. Making your bed is a reflection of your discipline, your pride and your personal habits. If you can't get up in the morning and make your bed, what else are you incapable of doing? If you want to change the world, or just make yourself a little better, start off by making your bed. MAKE YOUR BED is an attractively packaged gift book, perfect for Commencement, Father's Day and the business and military audience, based on a speech the Admiral gave at University of Texas graduation, which went viral to the tune of almost 25 million views. The speech itself focuses on the ten lessons Admiral McRaven learned from Navy Seal training that will help readers face and overcome challenges in their lives and ultimately change the world. Lessons include "find someone to help you paddle," "don't back down from sharks," "start singing when you're up to your neck in muck," and of course, "make your bed."
Building from McRaven's powerful speech, this book will inspire readers to achieve more with thoughtful determination, hard work and the spirit of service.

We have published Make Your Bed in a Danish Edition, as hardcopy, e-book and audiobook on our imprint Operators Book Club.

"Excellence in life - requires excellent coffee breaks!"

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